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March 1st, 2024 × #javascript#typescript#nodejs

JSR: The New TypeScript Package Registry (NPM Killer)

JSR is a new open source JavaScript package registry focused on modern JavaScript and TypeScript, with advanced features like publishing TypeScript directly, auto docs and types, and seamless Node compatibility.

Topic 0 00:00


Wes Bos

the whole package ecosystem in JavaScript. So welcome, Luca. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you so much for having me. And, also, if you're asking questions of your Node, like, hey. Why did this bug happen? Maybe you want to have a tool like Sentry on your side. Head on over to century.i0forward/syntax.

Wes Bos

Sign up, and you'll get 2 months for free.

Wes Bos


Topic 1 00:59

JSR is a new package registry for modern JavaScript and TypeScript, backwards compatible with Node and NPM

Wes Bos

So JSR is a new JavaScript registry that we're working on built for modern JavaScript, for TypeScript, for any runtime that wants to use it backwards compatible with Node and NPM.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Just all around better experience for publishers and packages, for users and packages.

Wes Bos


Topic 2 01:54

NPM hasn't evolved much in 10 years, JavaScript has become more complex with new runtimes and syntax like TypeScript

Wes Bos

That is a great question. So Npm hasn't really evolved in the past 10 years. Right? It's like, there's been the addition of the files tab, and, like, there's been a little blue TypeScript icon in the top left they added a couple years ago. And other than that, that's kind of been it. Right? And this is not really how we want JavaScript to progress. JavaScript is a very dynamic language.

Topic 3 02:20

JSR allows publishing TypeScript source code directly, handles transpilation and bundling behind the scenes

Wes Bos

There's new frameworks popping up all all the time, But in our package management and package registry ecosystem, things haven't really changed over the past 10 years. And I don't think for the better. Right? Wes are still so in it when JavaScript started out, we didn't really have, all these different concepts of of common JS pnpm, ESM and TypeScript and bundled and minified and all these things. Right? You just publish some source code and consumers would then import that source code and do whatever they want with it.

Wes Bos

And over time, this has shifted to you write your source code for your package in TypeScript. And then you have to compile it to common Wes and to ESM. And you have to publish Wes files. And you have to have an exports field in your package. JSON that has conditional exports in it. And then you have to, like, have some nice documentation site for it and all these things. Right? And it's it's sort of gone away from being an easy place for you to publish your your tools, to Mhmm. You have to spend a lot of time configuring things before you can get anything usable onto NPM.

Topic 4 03:25

JSR aims to simplify publishing again like early JavaScript, just write and publish source code for consumers to use how they want

Wes Bos

And we kind of wanna go get back to where JavaScript started out here to this place where you can just publish your source code. And then, Node understands CSM, Cloud understands CSM, Cloudflare understands CSM. Everyone understands CSS. Do you know understands CSM. So why not just only use CSS? Right? And then TypeScript is the most popular, like, alternative syntax, I guess, for for JavaScript there's right now. Mhmm. I I don't remember what the latest stats are, but there's every month, there's a new stat about how many new projects using TypeScript versus JavaScript, and that number is just going up. Right? And it's above 50%.

Wes Bos

Realistically, like, if you're writing a new project, you're writing it in TypeScript.

Wes Bos

So why shouldn't our registry support TypeScript out of the box? So that's exactly what JSR does. JSR can publish your TypeScript to it, and then we figure out how to get it to everybody who is going to for your package.

Wes Bos

And if that means transferring to JavaScript and ESM ID. Wes files, we'll do that behind the scenes, but you have to think about it. And if it's if you're putting from Deno, that just supports TypeScript, that'll work just fine. If you're importing from BUN, which supports TypeScript, that'll work just fine without any transpilation.

Wes Bos

Wow. So to be clear, is this it is ESM only. Is that, explicit? Yes.

Topic 5 04:36

JSR is ESM only for static analysis and performance

Wes Bos

Cool. And does that enable you to do some of the cooler things that you all are doing, or is it just a detail?

Wes Bos

No. Absolutely. Wes is is much better to statically analyze than common JS.

Wes Bos

And we do a lot of static analysis on the source code we upload because we provide things like documentation generation and certain ESLint and things that are just built into the red to the registry.

Wes Bos

And we wouldn't be able to do those if we had to support, CommonJS in in addition to ESM.

Wes Bos

And, also, it it makes it very simple. Right? You don't have to make a choice when you're writing a package. You're writing Wes.

Topic 6 05:09

Consumers only have to write ESM, JSR handles transpilation and bundling behind the scenes

Wes Bos

Yeah. Thank you for that.

Wes Bos

That is absolutely correct.

Wes Bos

I I I'm here today with my JSR hat on. Well, actually, it's a t c 59 hat, but in in imagine me with the JSR hat on. Right? I am not here in in a Deno capacity in that sense.

Topic 7 06:30

JSR is not only for Deno, it's a registry for any JavaScript runtime wanting to use it

Wes Bos

This is a registry for absolutely everyone who uses JavaScript and TypeScript. And Wes, we really, really want to hammer this point down. Like it is this package registry is not a Deno registry. This is the registry that you could use if you're using a node modules folder, if you're using Cloudflare Workers, if you're using BUN, if you're using Vite, if you're using Next. Js on Purcell, if you're using AWS Lambda does not matter. Right? JSR will point with it.

Wes Bos

And if you write your packages only for node, that's fine. Publish them to JSR anyway. Right? You will get a bunch of benefits that you get that you do not get from NPM.

Wes Bos

It is not a junior registry. It is a everyone registry. There's a JavaScript registry. That's where the name comes from. JSR, JavaScript

Wes Bos

registry. And in that regard, how how do you go about installing things from this registry instead of just Npm install? Yes. Great question.

Topic 8 07:30

JSR packages can be consumed via NPM using a config file to proxy requests

Wes Bos

Yeah. That's a fantastic question. And this depends on how you want to install your JSR packages. So, like, you know, maybe in Deno, Deno installs NPM packages using Npm colon specifiers. And similarly, you can install JSR packages with JSR colon specifiers.

Wes Bos

But in node, everybody is using Npm or PNPM or Yarn, like package managers.

Wes Bos

And for those, you can just install JSR packages with Npm or Pnpm or Yarn or bund or whatever you use to install right now. The only thing that you have to do is create an NPM RC file, either in your home directory or in your project directory, which will tell NPM that it's importing packages from JSR.

Wes Bos

And after that, you can just run NPMI.

Wes Bos

And everything will just work. They will be cooked into your modules folder.

Wes Bos

TypeScript will work. Everything will just work. Beep will work.

Wes Bos

Nothing else JS set up.

Wes Bos

Yeah. So the the way it works is that, if you're importing from NPM, all packages on JSR exist in sort of a virtual at JSR scope on NPM.

Wes Bos

So and and there's no packages on NPM that are published into the at JSR Scott, so there's never a conflict here. So if you wanna import, I don't know, the standard library, FS package, you could do at Wes slash STD underscore FS to import it in in NPM.

Wes Bos

And, yeah, this NPM RC file just sets up NPM to download anything in the Wes scope from GSR, and everything else gets reported from NPM. So these these 2 can really completely coexist.

Wes Bos

All the NPM all the existing NPM tooling just works, complete harmony.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

I absolutely, we think this could be done. So this could be usually achieved through loaders. So like all the all the big tools like Veed and and Rollup, and they all have this loader support Node node has a 2 now.

Wes Bos

I think it's dash dash imports. It's the flag you use for it.

Wes Bos

And with that, you can implement support for JCR colon specifiers.

Wes Bos

We haven't done this yet because we want to first give the broadest possible compatibility and the broadest possible compatibility is with through our node modules compat. But over time, we hope that the ecosystem will build these loaders. And we'll we'll publish docs for this. We'll publish docs for how to build these loaders. It's actually incredibly simple because JSR uses, HTTP specifiers under the hood. It like, all the files are loaded from HTTP, which is the same way that browsers work. It's it's well defined behavior.

Wes Bos

And there's, like, a very small layer on top of HTTP that, you need to implement to sort of resolve the j s r colon whatever package to, specify. Right? And we'll have documentation for this, and and we'll we'll help people implement this. And over time, we hope that more and more tools will like, we call this native JSR support. Wes support JSR natively in this way. Cool. I like that a lot because

Wes Bos

Yep. That's exactly right. Yeah. It does seem like there's a lot of least resistant. You know? There there's no resistance to get up and running with this tool, which I think is precisely what you need if you want people to replace their their package manager. Right? Well, I saw on Twitter a lot when this was announced or people started talking about it. Why can't we just fix

Topic 9 12:26

JSR is open source focused on the community, not monetization

Wes Bos

So, you know, if if GitHub or Microsoft or whoever is actually responsible for NPM nowadays, which is kind of difficult to tell, with open source all of NPM and say, hey, Here's where you submit PRIs. Let's fix things. Then absolutely we could do this, but they don't. Right? It's it's a closed source product, which is, I don't know, still for profit. I'm I'm not quite sure what their business model JS. To be completely honest, they have this, like, monetization feature in it with private registries.

Wes Bos

This is absolutely not how we want to operate JSR. JSR is going to be a a community resource. JSR will be open source.

Wes Bos

All of JSR will be open source. All the back end, the website, all tooling surrounding it, the docs, everything will be open source.

Wes Bos

I'm I'm here as a member of the general company right now, but JSR will have a moderation team that will be based not just of contributors of Deno, but of the whole JavaScript ecosystem.

Wes Bos

Want this to be something that is really driven by JavaScript, by the JavaScript community, not by any individual company.

Wes Bos

And, JSTAR is built to be very, very cheap to operate, which I think is very important because we don't want to monetize JSTAR in any way.

Wes Bos

Initially, did you Node company will will pay for the hosting of of JSR? We we expect to be able to do this for a long time. It'll it'll be very cheap to operate.

Wes Bos

But, yeah, if other companies want to engage here, this is something where we we'd be totally happy to, like, have other people chip in. Right? But I I really wanna drive from the point here. This is not a Deno registry. This is a all of JavaScript registry, and that means that this needs to be managed by the not by a single company. It needs to be paid for by the JavaScript ecosystem, not by a single company.

Wes Bos

And and this is really what we're aiming to do here with JSR.

Wes Bos

That's so good to to hear that. It's not it's not the Deno registry, which I think that Wes,

Wes Bos

I don't know if you have any thoughts on that as well. Yeah. No. I I I do. I rant. I I think what you're saying is absolutely correct. Right? And I think there's, like, parallels that could be drawn here to, like, serverless compute infrastructure. There was a time when to host something, you had to sort of spin up a server somewhere, deal with, like, APT to install Nginx and, like, manage let's TypeScript certificates and whatever. Right? And now you write some JavaScript in, like, cloud cloud and click on deploy, and it's live in like 3 50 regions and what, 2 seconds.

Wes Bos

Or you do the same when you deploy or on Vercel or whatever. Right.

Wes Bos

And if you and if you, like, make this so easy that people can come up with really cool things that maybe they would have not spent time on doing previously because they didn't want to set up the Terraform configuration for this or the Amazon CDK, whatever. Right? Like, this is this is you you don't want to be dealing with bulletproof. You want to be writing the code that you actually want to write. That's why we're developers. We're not developers to, like, configure stuff. Right? That's Yeah. Foster line would Scott into that. Somebody else let let somebody else do that.

Wes Bos

And JSAR is really, yeah, trying to do that.

Wes Bos

Give you a way to just write your code, publish your code, and then the registry will deal with the configuration. It will deal with hosting it quickly all over the world. It'll deal with serving it in to all the different users that want to use it and, like, generating documentation for it and all what whatever. Right? All those things.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Let's let's, dive into some of those features then, like auto the auto documentation like you just men mentioned. Can you can you go deep on that?

Wes Bos

Yeah. Absolutely. So because you're publishing TypeScript source code, we have a lot more information that we can pull directly out of your source code as compared to, like, transpiled JavaScript or d.test Wes.

Topic 10 18:11

JSR can auto generate docs from published TypeScript source code

Wes Bos

Because we can look at your source code and see that you have a function here that you're exporting, which takes a string argument and, like an options bag and returns a promise.

Wes Bos

And we can render that, with a nice sidebar that says, like, here's all the functions this module exports. Here's what they take JS what they return. You have some JS doc on that. We'll render that with markdown. You have some examples that will syntax highlight for you. Right? And this this way, you're gonna have a really easy way for you to go to a package, press the symbols button at the top, and this gives you all of the things that are exported by this package. It gives you a really quick, easy overview of everything you could do with this package. You don't have to read through long pros, anything. Right? You you you can just see that, and search there where you can search through symbols. You can search through the JS doc. You can search through symbol names, the parameters, the return types.

Wes Bos

If there's a symbol in there that you don't recognize, you click on it. It takes you to the definition.

Wes Bos

If you want to see the source code, you click on the go to source button and it takes you to the source code. And this is the actual source code. Right? This is not like some transpiled minified JavaScript. No. No. No. This is the actual source code.

Wes Bos

It's it's pretty nifty.

Wes Bos

Yeah. I've gotten so used to this flow after working in Rust of using Docs RS to to just understand more about the libraries instead of going to, you know, quick start documentation.

Wes Bos

I'm just reading the source, reading the inputs and outputs, reading the comments. So, yeah, this is, definitely something that I'm happy to see.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Yeah.

Wes Bos

Node. Absolutely. And and, like, these docs, we we try to integrate them with, like, all kinds of resources. Like, you can click on the the package that you published, for example, may be able to see like, you have a weight function that takes a number and returns a promise. You hit if you click on promise, it sends you to the MDN page for promises, because hey. Why not? Right? Like, these are this this is the kind of thing that, we just wanna make it super easy for you to get to what you're looking for.

Wes Bos

Wow. Yeah. That's awesome. And, in addition to that, I mean, there's the auto types thing so that you don't have to generate the d.ts files. Right? Is that just, you know, be working similarly to how you're doing the automatic docs? Is that the scoop?

Topic 11 21:38

JSR auto generates .d.ts files from TypeScript

Wes Bos

Yeah. So, the the way that works is that for tools that support importing TypeScript natively. So for example, Deno, we'll just give those tools the TypeScript files directly.

Wes Bos

And for the tools that don't, what we'll do is we'll take the TypeScript and strip out all the types. So we're turning it back into plain JavaScript.

Wes Bos

And then we also submit some d. Wes files, but we also make sure to set up all the source maps in such a way that when you encounter an error and you you get a stack trace, it actually shows the original source rather than the JavaScript.

Wes Bos

And then we put that into, like, an empty interval, and that's what you get into your node modules folder for Node, for example. Right? Because node doesn't support executing TypeScript natively.

Wes Bos

If node Wes ever to support using TypeScript natively, then, it could also just consume the TypeScript directly. But, yeah, for the tools that don't, we we do the translation for you. You don't have to think about it. It just happens to the background, and you Yeah. Don't really have to think about it at all. Yeah. I love that. So another question we had commonly was like, well, can't you just put TypeScript files on NPM? Like,

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Sure. You can try.

Wes Bos

But I think it like, nobody's done this over the past 10 years because I don't think it's like a very viable approach. Right? It means that now this is essentially the same problem as the loaders where instead of it just being supported in all the tools natively, all the tools that you want to consume that package in now need to have some additional tooling set up.

Wes Bos

And this really, really limits how far you can distribute your packages.

Wes Bos

Because if you're gonna have some like internal team at Google that has a predetermined build setup that maybe understands node modules, want to try to import your package, they can't because they cannot add a new loader to their node builder or or whatever. Right? Yeah. So you Node, you don't really want to do this. You want to have for the tools that do not natively support the system, give them a way to easily downgrade.

Wes Bos

And with NPM, if NPM natively supported, like looking at the tarball and and transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript, this could be a viable approach, but Npm doesn't. And, I don't see NPM doing it anytime soon. Right? Like the the last big feature they launched Wes, I think, package provenance, which,

Wes Bos

does anybody even know what that is? Yeah. Yeah. Who's yeah. So big information. What is that? Package

Wes Bos

Package fragments. It's like a it's a security feature to be able to ensure that a package was actually published by the person who claimed is publishing the package. But, yeah, this JS exactly case in point. Right? Like, the the last big feature they launched, you don't even know what it is. So Yeah. No way.

Wes Bos

from the Internet and And and then randomly execute, like, a pack post install step on it too. Like, you can't even see what it's gonna do.

Wes Bos

to to do that for security as well? So JSR is not doing any sort of scanning the same way that, like, Snicker or Scott warp. Yeah. We expect that these tools will be able to data. We integrate with JSR if they want to.

Wes Bos

We will have support for features like package provenance, even though maybe it's not such a super well known feature, but it's it's useful for sort of supply chain security, to be able to ensure that the person that is publishing a package, is actually the is actually who they say they are. We also all of our files are obviously hashed in in such a way that, like, you can ensure that the files that are installed to disk are actually as a policy that the registry is attending to serve.

Topic 12 26:20

JSR has robust security built in for publishing and consuming packages

Wes Bos

You have we've put a lot of effort into making automatic publishing, or sorry, tokenless publishing possible, which is sort of down the same, train of thought as NPM's requirement for 2FA recently. I don't know if you saw this, but, like, NPM has required, I think, for the top 1,000 package authors that they enable 2FA.

Wes Bos

And in JSR, all packages you publish from your local machine must go through a sort of interactive authorization flow in the browser. So when you when you type in, you know, publish or or JSR publish, it prints out a link, you click on the link, and then it shows you, here's what's gonna happen. Do you wanna authorize this or not? You sign in with your GitHub in in the browser. You you click okay.

Wes Bos

And then it goes and publishes. And this is sort of 2FA. And and we want to we're we're doing the same thing for publishing from GitHub actions, where you do not have to set up any secrets. There's no, like, access tokens you can leak, but instead, we use our built in security mechanisms inside of GitHub actions.

Wes Bos

For those who are familiar, OIDC tokens, that let you publish directly from from GitHub Actions without having set up a new token. So there's nothing to leak there. There's no way for you to accidentally expose your token to a bad actor that may then use them to publish anything like that. And all the tokens we use are very short lived.

Wes Bos

Like, we we've we've thought about this, to to make sure that it's difficult for people to publish maliciously and to sort of avoid a lot of the pitfalls that it came has, or has had in the past, and and we're trying to not repeat those mistakes.

Wes Bos

So you can actually set it up however you want. It's it's just a step inside of your GitHub workflow file like, GitHub actions workflow file.

Wes Bos

So you can set it up to publish on tag, or you could set it up to publish every commit.

Wes Bos

The way it works by default is that it looks at the version inside of your, you know, JSON or JSR JSON file.

Wes Bos

And if the version is already published, it'll do nothing. It'll just skip over the step. And if it's not already published, it'll go publish it. So, yeah, the the way you can set it up, the way we've set it up in, for example, our standards library is that, when you merge something to the main branch with a new version for any of the packages, it'll just go publish that package, and you don't have to tag. This is great for mono equals.

Wes Bos

But we've also heard feedback that for people that would just like to be able to publish on tag. So we'll have a flag for that. We can just specify the version directly in the, you know, publish command or a JSR publish command.

Wes Bos

No. You actually don't have to switch. This is a feature that you haven't seen yet because we haven't released it yet, but you will be able to publish with just a package JSON file. So if you have a package JSON file that has a name and a version in it, you'll be able to run JSA or publish, and it'll just pick that up as the file.

Wes Bos

And it'll, like, understand the, like, files section of the package JSON and the dependency section and all of that out of the box.

Wes Bos

Cool. I I know that, you know, when Deno was first announced, the big thing was installing from URLs only.

Wes Bos

Mhmm. And, you know, then became the whole DEPS file thing, which was essentially just a package file, you know, of imports.

Wes Bos

Is is Deno vision still to use imports that way? Or I know this is not Dino's package registry, but do you do you all see this as being the way forward for Dino?

Wes Bos

Yeah. So the way that the the thing that we've settled on in the recent in the last couple of years is the import map spec, which is supported in browsers and allows you to do something very similar to package adjacent dependencies, but in a standard way where you can, like, set a certain pair specifier to map to an Pnpm package, an HTTP package, a JSR package, a local file, a data file, what whatever you want. Right? And this is we've added support for this natively inside the DenoJSON file. So you can create a DenoJSON that has an import section, the import map inside of it. And this is what we recommend people to use. And this will work totally fine with the JSR.

Wes Bos

And when you're publishing a package that uses an input map, this will also just work. We do some trickery behind the scenes to sort of take all of the beer specifiers inside of your pnpm map and just inline them into your source code so that during installation or or the consumers of your code don't need to actually then know about your bookmark, but rather, like, all of the configuration and dependencies are described in the source code, which is really nice. And under the hood in Deno, Wes.

Wes Bos

So this is sort of a you don't see it, but actually they should be specifiers, which is kind of similar to how NPM does it because Npm Npm install is also just downloading a bunch of tarballs from HTTP. Right? It's it's really nothing other than slightly more complicated HTTP URL. And this this just gives them a nice facade, a nice easy to use friendly face.

Topic 13 31:50

Deno will likely adopt the import map spec for dependencies going forward

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

So JSX and TSX files will be published publishable, as source. So you don't have to transpile them before publishing them.

Wes Bos

Just how TypeScript works. Right? And if you're then consuming them from Node, they'll be transpiled.

Wes Bos

Just how, TypeScript files are transpiled to JavaScript. JSX files will be transpiled to JavaScript.

Wes Bos

For other files like Wasm files, we're really betting on the Wasm imports proposals that are going through TC39 and and what way you can the WebAssembly community group right now that would just allow you to import WebAssembly files through regular JavaScript imports.

Wes Bos

And then CSS, something similar will not quite settled exactly how this will work, but likely you will be able to just expose some CSS files from your package.

Wes Bos

And then same goes for, like, any other type format of file. Right? Vercel file or or view file. Or

Wes Bos

which surprised me that that was a standard. But, hopefully, we'll just start seeing more of those in the future as well. Yeah. Like, in in Deno, we we have support for JSON right now, and we're working actively on support for WebAssembly. We're hoping to ship that maybe, I don't know, a couple months.

Wes Bos

Node has had a implementation of WebAssembly imports for a while now behind a flag. So, yeah, hope hopefully, by, like, middle of the year, WebAssembly imports, they're just, like, a thing that you can use.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Solatype. So this is needs to needs pnpm explanation for those not initiated. Yeah. TypeScript is a very dynamic typing system in the sense that like, you can be very, very loosey goosey about how you add types to your functions or constants or whatever.

Wes Bos

Namely, you can not specify any types and just have TypeScript infer everything. And what this means is that if you have a function body that returns a string, TypeScript will you don't have to like add a string return type to your function, but instead TypeScript just can infer that the function returns strings because you have a return statement that returns a string literal. But this poses some problems, namely that inference is generally very slow.

Wes Bos

And TypeScript has acknowledged this, the TypeScript team knows about this.

Wes Bos

And there's a new mode that they're introducing called isolated declarations that it's sort of like strict mode in that it adds some more rules around what you have to do with TypeScript.

Wes Bos

Namely, you have to add explicit return types to all of your exported functions.

Wes Bos

And what this does is it saves a lot of time in this inference because TypeScript doesn't then have to do inference if you already explicitly specified return type on a function, for example.

Wes Bos

And what Json does is during publishing, it really, really nudges you to to not use any of these slow types. And slow types, we just it's just a nicer name for, func types that need to be inferred and are thus slow, slow types.

Wes Bos

So when you publish them to JSR and you don't have a specific return type specified, we'll nudge you to add an explicit return type. You can skip this if you really want to, but if you keep it, this will make the documentation regenerate nicer. It'll make the d dot t s files that we generate nicer.

Topic 14 36:13

JSR nudges publishers to avoid "slow types" for performance gains

Wes Bos

Yeah. It's it's sort of just we're we're early adopter of this TypeScript of this new isolated declarations TypeScript feature that'll be shipping probably in TypeScript 5.5.

Wes Bos

Oh, okay. Cool.

Wes Bos

You know, I if you'd asked me 3 years ago, I may have said yes. And then after seeing like how slow the progress has been on, on, on Rust based type trackers, I kinda don't think so.

Wes Bos

I think that TypeScript will do a lot more to improve performance here soon. I think isolated declarations sort of the first step in a very major push for TypeScript to be able to paralyze more of their type checking, which should hopefully speed up type checking, especially on very large projects.

Wes Bos

The the people that are pushing isolated declarations are Microsoft, Google, and Bloomberg, companies that have very, very large code Bos with TypeScript in their companies.

Wes Bos

And, yeah, they're running into sort of bottlenecks in TypeScript here and now need to have a more aggressive fix for this. And isolated declarations, I think, is something that is going to at the cost of of some convenience, you have to explicitly specify more types going to significantly improve the the the problem here in in the next couple

Wes Bos

months, maybe years. Oh, that's exciting. So maybe that's really the solution. Instead of rewriting the the whole darn thing in Rust, just make the one that we got faster. So hey. Yeah. That's not an it's not a a bad solution.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

If if we were to go down a path where we like very explicitly specify the meaning of all the types, I think it would.

Wes Bos

Right now it's not really looking like that's going to happen, although things can always change. Right? Like decorators change many, many times over 8 years.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Never say never.

Wes Bos

But, probably right Node, it's looking more like we're reserving some syntax space in JavaScript for you to put types. And what exactly those types look like is up to the tool that's going to be interpreting them. Oh, interesting.

Wes Bos

This is, like, the the Python way of doing things. I don't know if you've used types in Python, but, they Scott of just I have not.

Wes Bos

Syntax space or the they're sort of, like, comments, but you can reflect them at runtime, and they don't really have a a semantic meaning

Wes Bos

Yeah. Interesting. Makes sense. Probably. But, again, we're we're very, very least. Right? Stage 1. Yeah. Things can still change many, many times before

Wes Bos

anything shifts. So we'll see. I and and, like, the tie I know there is no time line for that, but, like, do you see that taking 5 years or 2 years? You know?

Wes Bos

That's I don't really know, to be honest. Like, it's it's always very difficult to tell. Sometimes proposals that you think are very quick take a very long time just because you find out it's it's difficult.

Wes Bos

And some things that seem very difficult initially go very fast. And this is one of those cases where the proposal itself is very, very large in the sense that it adds a new a Scott of new syntax. And adding syntax is always kind of risky because you need to ensure that none of the syntax syntax, that conflate the existing syntax and also that it doesn't block addition of new syntax in the future.

Wes Bos

So there there's a lot of auditing that has to go on there by many people to make sure that this is actually implementable.

Wes Bos

If to decide, like, it's Wes not even sure yet whether we want this to be just reserve comment space or whether we want to define the the specific syntax. So still many open questions. I don't think it'll happen at least for another 2 Yarn. But, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. Maybe it'll take 10. Maybe it'll take 1. Who knows? Yeah.

Wes Bos

it's gonna you're it's gonna be trouble. You gotta sit with it, yeah, forever.

Wes Bos

Yeah. I think I'd probably, like, work out the enums.

Wes Bos

We to do enums are sort of a a a feature that does just transpile away, but rather, it turns into something at runtime, which is kind of strange. It's not how the service are. Yeah. It probably would require explicit return types on all functions because we could have much faster type checking if they did. Interesting.

Wes Bos

And I think I would ban declare global or at least move it, do it in such a way that, like, you have to have 1 file that you put all your declared globals in. Because that's another one of those cases where if we didn't have to declare global, TypeScript could be much faster.

Wes Bos

global types in any file with that type of thing? Yeah. Exactly. And and that means that, like, you can't really, like, parallelize all of your type checking because by the time you get to some file very deep in the tree, you may have to, like, type check differently somewhere at the top of the tree because you've changed the fetch types. Right? Yeah. And interfaces

Wes Bos

Yeah. If you if you look at our, like, slow types documentation, it's essentially the list of all the things that make TypeScript slow. So, yeah, like, declare global and module augmentation and export equals and yeah. I don't know. All these fun things.

Wes Bos

So the the good thing about TypeScript is that modular decorators, I can talk about those in a second.

Wes Bos

Yeah, the TypeScript emit is stable. So for any given version of TypeScript, if you take the TypeScript source code and give it to any of the sort of tools that can strip out the types, they're gonna give you the same JavaScript.

Wes Bos

And if they don't give you the same JavaScript, it's a bug in that tool. But like, what what I'm trying to say is over time, TypeScript does not change the meaning of types in in such a way that, like, tools that emit TypeScript or emit JavaScript from TypeScript would have to change their output. And because JSR does never never actually does type checking, but only ever does emitting of d.ts files and emitting of JavaScript files, which is stable and it's like well defined behavior. Right? We don't have to worry about this backwards compatibility issue.

Topic 15 44:43

Tools consuming transpiled JS don't have to worry about TypeScript compatibility breaks

Wes Bos

Backwards compatibility. This this only matters if you're checking, for example, the actual body of a function, which you're never going to check the body of a function of your library that you're importing. Right? You're you only care about the return type and the argument types of the function from the library, the Scott of top level interface of that module and not the actual implementation details.

Wes Bos

So, yeah, it's not really a problem for us.

Wes Bos

And I think it it like, the TypeScript has the stance that they don't break the emit and they don't

Wes Bos

break d dot test files. Wow. I think that you know what? One thing that this conversation to me has been very illuminating is just I I like, Wes is posting some in our in our show notes some screenshots of when he tweeted about this, a lot of people responding why.

Wes Bos

And this conversation answers that why question for me in so many ways that I feel I went from, you know, okay. It's a new package registry to, this this has solved so many issues that we have. And and so many people's complaints about the the CJS ecosystem, so many complaints about the TypeScript ecosystem.

Wes Bos

I think this is just a great, great step forward, and I'm I'm pretty stoked that this exists. So, man, great great work everybody who's been putting in time on this. Wow.

Wes Bos

Thank you so much. Yeah. It means a lot.

Wes Bos

And we're just just getting started here. This is the initial set of features, but this will be open source. And you know what happens to open source features or to open source projects. They Yeah. Get better over time. Oh, yeah. Right. They're they're super effective. Everybody's

Wes Bos

just chipping in all the time. Yeah. Yeah.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

So this is a this is a really good question.

Wes Bos

And the the completely honest answer is we don't really know exactly what it's going to look like yet because, we can only really figure out what exactly it's going to look like after people start using it, after we sort of know what the reception to this is.

Wes Bos

Initially, we were projecting that we'll be able to fund this for a very long time. Like, we're hosting this on on very commodity infrastructure, that is incredibly cheap to operate.

Wes Bos

That there's it's everything is immutable in such a way that it's very, very highly cacheable.

Wes Bos

It it'll be very cheap for us to operate.

Wes Bos

Beyond this, like, there's there's ways we can do this. Right? Like, there's there's ways we could set up a foundation, that has members from many companies and those member those member companies pay membership dues.

Topic 16 48:05

Funding model isn't decided yet, options like foundations or GitHub Sponsors possible

Wes Bos

There's ways where we could set up a GitHub Sponsors thing where individual people contribute. Right? We're not completely sure about that yet.

Wes Bos

What we're trying to do first is is launch this, see what the reception JS. And, like, did you know company JS well funded? And we have revenue sources. And we're totally happy to, to pay for JSR. This is like a community effort that, yeah, we think will really benefit JavaScript and sort of pushes our mission of making Vercel side JavaScript accessible forward in in a very major way. So, yeah, we're we're happy to pay for this for the moment. And then, yeah, we'll see where this goes in in a Yarn, in 2 years, in 3 years.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure we could figure it out. It's gonna be ads and install. Right? That's what you're gonna do. So

Wes Bos

So Wes what see, this is, like, why we wanna have, a community moderation team. We we we want to make sure that stuff like this cannot be done by any single Sanity, that there there's oversight between, like, across the whole ecosystem.

Wes Bos

And we don't think that like, obviously, I trust that the Deno company is not going to do anything bad. I am part of the Deno company. But, yeah, it's better to be, like, set up in such a way that you prevent this in the 1st place through Yeah. Scott of organizational policies. Right? And, yeah, we'll we'll be announcing more about how we exactly, want to set up this this community, moderator program as as we get closer to launching JSR.

Wes Bos

No. No. No. I the thing I already take it back. So Okay. Good.

Wes Bos

Oh my god. What Wes what we did is, we we set up a system where the top I forget how many it is, packages and scopes from from NPM. We have sort of preregistered these. Well, they're not really preregistered. They're sort of in a, state where you as an individual cannot register them without emailing us first, and then we will verify that you are actually Stripe. And if you're actually Stripe, you get your Stripe thing. And if you're not, then, you Node, and this obviously, if if somebody tries to register Wes, then they probably can, unless you've already registered that. I don't know.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Already got it. You're Scott, like, a top 1,000. But, yeah, I think this will be fine.

Wes Bos

The the way the way Wes like, we don't have these top level packages to prevent, you know, people from squatting very aggressively, and and we have some limits in place that initially allow you to only register 3 different scopes. So you can't make just register all of all the scopes.

Popular NPM package names are reserved initially to prevent squatting

Wes Bos

High hindsight is always 80 or whatever

Wes Bos

Yeah. Do you want some,

Wes Bos

So these are not all confirmed to to be there for the launch, but, we we want to work on package scoring, which I think could be a whole episode all on its own. But, yeah, we wanna automatically assign scores to packages based on certain factors, like whether you have documentation, whether you have a read me, whether you have a license, whether your code is formatted, like, sort of Sanity, like factors indicating quality, whether the dependencies we import are up to date. We also don't have a downloads page because we don't really think downloads are very relevant. We're gonna have, like, a popularity indicator maybe that shows you how relatively popular packages. Like, if it's in the top 1% or, I don't know, in the bottom 99, but one could be absolute numbers.

Topic 18 53:19

Potential future JSR features like package scoring, integrated changelogs, compatibility indicators

Wes Bos

Change logs, probably Wes wanna integrate change logs natively at some point. Yes. And we have docs. Right? We have docs for every Vercel. So automatically generate change logs based on the differences in your symbols.

Wes Bos

that's genius. Yeah. We we have many, many possibilities here, and I think we we have sort of an edge here because publishing source code gives us a lot of these, static analyzability things like the quality scoring and and the documentation generation. And I'm sure we'll come up with other things, that'll, yeah, be able to provide a lot of value to to users. Actually, one thing we did mention is, like, we have, compatibility indicators for different run times. You can, like, market packages compatible with Node or compatible with Cloudflare Workers or Athena.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Yeah. Wes we definitely wanna do this. We wanna do it in in a way that doesn't necessarily incentivize old packages in the same way that NPM does.

Wes Bos

For example, like, express I I think Fastify, for example, is better in express than than express in, like, pretty much every way. And yet just due to the age, it's ranked lower, in NPM search and in Google, whatever. Right? And we want to have our our scoring take things like this into account. Take into account that maybe packages that are published with modern features and, like, based on what our protocols and have documentation and have been updated in the last 3 years, maybe they should be pushed more than packages that haven't be been updated at all in the last 3 years warp that have 10 new issues every day or whatever. Yeah.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Sick. Well, Luca, this has been incredible. I, I'm really buying the hype. I I think it's pretty amazing.

Wes Bos

And, now is the part of the show where we get into sick picks and shameless plugs.

Wes Bos

A sick pick is just something that you like right now. Could be anything.

Wes Bos

Wes and I have sick picked podcasts, YouTube channels, kitchen utensils, pizza cutters, anything you would like. And then a shameless plug is just anything you would like to plug.

Wes Bos

Yeah. That's difficult. I've been playing around with Hono a lot recently, and Hono JS really awesome.

Wes Bos

I feel like if anybody Node new right? New HTTP servers and JavaScript and, you know, or Cloud workers or I've introduced

Wes Bos

It is hono. And, Wes, you know what? Because you keep saying hono, it's Hanno in my brain now permanently, and I always Google it with an a. And then I'm like, oh, no. It's Hanno. And then I go back I've never once pronounced anything correct on this entire podcast, so don't take anything out.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Yeah. Find me on Twitter.

Wes Bos

I don't remember what handle is. I think it's let me look it up real quick.

Wes Bos

Terrible at shameless plugs. You could tell.

Wes Bos

LCAS dev, l c a s d v.

Wes Bos

And JSR IO. Yeah. Check out JSR. I don't know when this episode will launch, but maybe the wait list will be gone at that point. If not, sign up to the wait ESLint, and

Wes Bos
